
This is a reference of all xidoc commands. A question mark ? before a parameter means that it's optional. An asterisk * before a parameter means that it can take any number of values.


  1. Top-level commands
    1. Basic constructs
    2. Inline formatting
    3. Block formatting
    4. Document structuring
    5. Unicode characters
    6. Math
    7. Logos
    8. Modularity
    9. Settings
    10. Custom commands
    11. Conditional compilation
    12. List manipulation
    13. System information
    14. Programming
    15. HTML-specific
    16. LaTeX-specific
    17. Image drawing
  2. HTML commands
  3. CSS commands
  4. Math commands

Top-level commands

These commands can be used anywhere within xidoc, unless overridden by other commands.

Basic constructs

[# anything]

Comment. Always returns nothing, ignoring what's inside.
I [# don't] like xidoc.
I like xidoc.


Returns a left square bracket.
I'm a sad robot :[(]
I'm a sad robot :[


Returns a right square bracket.
I'm a happy robot :[)]
I'm a happy robot :]

[() text]

Wraps text in square brackets.
[() this-is-not-a-command]


Returns a semicolon. Useful for “escaping” semicolons in commands that take multiple arguments.
[list This[;] is[;] only[;] one[;] item]
  • This; is; only; one; item


Returns a space character. Useful in commands that strip whitespace.

[raw text]

Returns the given text without expanding it.
[raw [I can use [as many brackets [as I want]], but [they] still have to [[be balanced]]].]
[I can use [as many brackets [as I want]], but [they] still have to [[be balanced]]].
[raw< text]
Removes the least common indentation from all lines of text, then returns it without expanding. A “smarter” version of [raw].
[code-block nim; [raw<
  for word in ["This", "correctly", "removes", "indentation"]:
    echo word
for word in ["This", "correctly", "removes", "indentation"]:
  echo word

[pass code]

Directly produces the given code without escaping it. Useful if you want to go outside the capabilities of xidoc. The code is still expanded so you can parametrize it, see the [pass-raw] command if you don't want this.
[pass <em>Haha!</em> I'm in! <code>'[;] DROP TABLE xidoc[;]</code> Oh no, this is a static site…]
Haha! I'm in! '; DROP TABLE xidoc; Oh no, this is a static site…
[pass-raw code]
Directly produces the given code without escaping it. Useful if you want to go outside the capabilities of xidoc. Works as a combination of [pass] and [raw].

[hide text]

Expands text for its side effects, but doesn't return anything.

[expand text]

After expanding text, expands it again. Useful for complex command definitions.

[render text]

After expanding text, renders it. Useful for complex command definitions.
[render [raw [it This will be italic despite being inside [ms raw].]]]
This will be italic despite being inside raw.

[add-to-head directive]

Adds the directive to the head of the document. Returns nothing.

Inline formatting

[bf text]

Renders text in bold face.
xidoc is [bf awesome]!
xidoc is awesome!

[code ?language; code]

Renders the code in monospace font. If the language is specified and the target is HTML, the code is syntax-highlighted during compilation using Prism. See the list of supported languages to know how to specify the language. xidoc is also supported under the name xidoc. For generic monospace text, use the [ms] command.
[code python; [raw print(f"The answer to the universe and stuff is {6 * 7}.")]]
print(f"The answer to the universe and stuff is {6 * 7}.")

[color color; text]

Colors the text in the given CSS-style color.
You can use [color red; names] or [color #00f; codes]!
You can use names or codes!

[it text]

Renders text in italics.
xidoc is [it fantastic!]
xidoc is fantastic!

[lang language; text]

Renders text with the conventions of the specified language.
[" Hello!] [lang czech; [" Ahoj!]]
“Hello!” „Ahoj!“

[ms text]

Renders text in monospace. If you want to show code, it's recommended to use the [code] or [code-block] command instead.
In HTML, this will produce [ms <code>]. In [LaTeX], this will produce [ms \texttt].
In HTML, this will produce <code>. In LaTeX, this will produce \texttt.

[term phrase]

Introduces phrase as a new term. Useful in definitions.
A [term group] is a monoid where every element has an inverse.
A group is a monoid where every element has an inverse.

[unit ?number; unit]

Renders a unit or a quantity expressed with a number and unit. Also works inside math commands.
[unit 6378; km], [$ [unit 60; [/ km; h]]]
6378 km, 60kmh60\,\frac{\mathrm{km}}{\mathrm{h}}

Block formatting

[block-quote text]

Creates a block quote.
[p The first rule in the Zen of Nim is:] [block-quote Copying bad design is not good design.]

The first rule in the Zen of Nim is:

Copying bad design is not good design.

[checkboxes items]

Renders a list of items with checkboxes. Use [-] for an unchecked item, [v] for a checked item and [x] for a crossed item.
[checkboxes [v Kill the friend] [- Bury the body] [x Get caught by the police]]
  • Kill the friend
  • Bury the body
  • Get caught by the police

[code-block ?language; code]

Renders the code as a block in monospace font. If the language is specified and the target is HTML, the code is syntax-highlighted during compilation using Prism. See the list of supported languages to know how to specify the language. xidoc is also supported under the name xidoc.
[code-block javascript; [raw
const factorial = (n) => {
  let result = 1n;
  for (let i = 1; i <= n; i++) {
    result *= BigInt(i);
  return result;
const factorial = (n) => {
  let result = 1n;
  for (let i = 1; i <= n; i++) {
    result *= BigInt(i);
  return result;

[collapse title; content]

Creates a block of content that is hidden by default and can be opened. In backends that don't support interactivity, the title is ignored and the content is always displayed.
[collapse Terms and Conditions; Oh no, I didn't expect anyone to actually open this.]
Terms and ConditionsOh no, I didn't expect anyone to actually open this.

[collapsible title; content]

Creates a block of content that is shown by default, but can be collapsed. In backends that don't support interactivity, the title is ignored and the content is always displayed.
[collapsible Someone wrote a mean message to you! Click to hide it.; You're ugly.]
Someone wrote a mean message to you! Click to hide it.You're ugly.

[figure content; ?caption]

Creates a figure with the given content and an optional caption.

[lines *lines]

Inserts physical newlines between lines.
[lines Roses are red; Violets are blue; Java is bad; JavaScript too]
Roses are red
Violets are blue
Java is bad
JavaScript too

[list *items]

Creates an unordered list of items.
Supported targets: [list HTML; [LaTeX]; Gemtext]
Supported targets:
  • HTML
  • LaTeX
  • Gemtext
[ordered-list *items]
Creates an ordered list of items.
TOP 5 LIST OF SMALLEST POSITIVE INTEGERS: [ordered-list 1; 2; 3; 4; 5]
  1. 1
  2. 2
  3. 3
  4. 4
  5. 5
[description-list *(key description)]
Creates a description list associating keys with descriptions.
[description-list Dog; Cute and loyal; Cat; Cute and entitled]
Cute and loyal
Cute and entitled

[p text]

Creates a paragraph with the given text.

[spoiler visible; secret]

Hides the secret text until the visible text is clicked. Works only in environments that support interactivity.
[spoiler In the series [it The Simpsons], the surname of the main characters is; [it Simpson]]
In the series The Simpsons, the surname of the main characters isSimpson

[table ?spec; content]

Creates a table with the given content, which should consist of [row] commands. The spec is used to help LaTeX align the table.
  [header-row xidoc; HTML; [LaTeX]]
  [row [code xidoc; [() table]]; [code html; <table></table>]; [code latex; \begin{table}{[...]}\end{table}]]
[row *fields]
Creates a row for a table with the given fields. Has to be used inside a [table] command.
[header-row *fields]
Creates a header row for a table with the given fields. Has to be used inside a [table] command.

[title title; ?author]

Renders the given title and sets it as the title of the document. If an author is specified, their name is mentioned under the title.
[show-title title]
Renders the given title without setting it as the title of the document.

Document structuring

[section ?title; ?id; text]

Creates a section with the given title and text (or without a title if not given). If it's inside another section, it will be a subsection. If it's inside a subsection, it will be a subsubsection. In HTML, this nesting can continue further. If an id is given (which must be unique), the section will be included in the table of contents generated by the [contents] command.
[section Nested; Are we going too deep?]
Are we going too deep?


Generates a table of contents for the document, consisting of all sections that have an ID. Note that the table is generated after the whole document is processed, so inspecting the output of the command in any way is undefined behavior!

Unicode characters

[" text]

Puts the given text in quotation marks appropriate for the current language.
[" Hello!] [lang czech; [" Ahoj!]]
“Hello!” „Ahoj!“


Returns an en dash:
80[--]100% of people don't know the difference between a dash and a hyphen.
80–100% of people don't know the difference between a dash and a hyphen.


Returns an em dash:
Em dash [---] the character many people don't know how to write.
Em dash — the character many people don't know how to write.


Returns an ellipsis:
You can't just substitute three dots for an ellipsis[...]
You can't just substitute three dots for an ellipsis…


In HTML, LaTeX math is rendered using KaTeX. This requires a stylesheet and fonts, which are downloaded from the jsDelivr CDN by default. If you'd like to use a different CDN or self-host the files, use [set katex-stylesheet-path; path/to/katex.min.css] to point xidoc to the stylesheet. It's also possible to use Temml instead with the command [set math-renderer; temml].

[$ latex]

Renders LaTeX inline math.
Einstein's famous equation is [$ E = m c^2].
Einstein's famous equation is E=mc2E = m c^2.

[$$ latex]

Renders LaTeX block math.
[$$ (A+B)^n = \sum_{k=0}^n {n \choose k} A^{n-k} B^k]
(A+B)n=k=0n(nk)AnkBk(A+B)^n = \sum_{k=0}^n {n \choose k} A^{n-k} B^k
[$$& latex]
Renders LaTeX aligned block math (with the align environment).
[$$& ((f \circ g) \circ h)(x) &= f(g(h(x))) \\ &= (f \circ (g \circ h))(x)]
((fg)h)(x)=f(g(h(x)))=(f(gh))(x)\begin{align*}((f \circ g) \circ h)(x) &= f(g(h(x))) \\ &= (f \circ (g \circ h))(x)\end{align*}

[* heine]

Renders LaTeX inline math with Heine syntax. xidoc commands are available by preceding them with a backslash: \[command]; they should produce LaTeX code, not Heine code.
The formula for the electric field from a single charge is [* E.v = /{q}{4 pi ep_0 r^3} r.v].
The formula for the electric field from a single charge is E=q4πε0r3r\vec{E}={\frac{q}{4\pi\varepsilon_0r^3}}\vec{r}.

[** heine]

Renders LaTeX block math with Heine syntax. xidoc commands are available by preceding them with a backslash: \[command]; they should produce LaTeX code, not Heine code.
[** (all ep in RR.+) (ex n_0 in NN) (all n in NN, n >= n_0) (|(1 + /1{n})^n - e| < ep)]
(εR+)(n0N)(nN,  nn0)((1+1n)ne<ε){\left(\forall\varepsilon\in{\mathbb{R}^+}\right)}{\left(\exists n_0\in\mathbb{N}\right)}{\left(\forall n\in\mathbb{N},\;n\ge n_0\right)}{\left({\left|{\left(1+{\frac1{n}}\right)}^n-e\right|}<\varepsilon\right)}
[**& heine]
Renders LaTeX aligned block math (with the align environment) with Heine syntax. xidoc commands are available by preceding them with a backslash: \[command]; they should produce LaTeX code, not Heine code.

[matext latex]

Renders the given LaTeX math using maTeXt and presents it as preformatted text.
[matext \vec x \cdot \vec y = \sum_{i=0}^n x_i \cdot y_i]
𝑥⃗ ⋅ 𝑦⃗ =   ∑   𝑥  ⋅ 𝑦 
        𝑖 = 0  𝑖    𝑖

[dfn ?name; text]

Renders a mathematical definition paragraph with an optional name.
[dfn An [term inertial system] is a system where the law of inertia holds.]

[theorem ?name; text]

Renders a mathematical theorem paragraph with an optional name.
[theorem Pythagorean; In a right triangle with legs [$ a,b] and hypotenuse [$ c], [$ a^2 + b^2 = c^2].]

[proof ?name; text]

Renders a mathematical proof paragraph with an optional name.
[proof Left as an exercise to the reader.]

[corollary ?name; text]

Renders a mathematical corollary paragraph with an optional name.

[example ?name; text]

Renders a mathematical example paragraph with an optional name.

[exercise ?name; text]

Renders a mathematical exercise paragraph with an optional name.
[exercise Determine if the Collatz sequence reaches [$ 1] for every initial value.]

[hint ?name; text]

Renders a paragraph with a hint for a problem/exercise with an optional name.
[spoiler-solution ?name; text]
Renders a paragraph with a hint for a problem/exercise with an optional name. In environments that support interactivity, the text is hidden inside a spoiler (see the [spoiler] command).

[lemma ?name; text]

Renders a mathematical lemma paragraph with an optional name.

[solution ?name; text]

Renders a paragraph with the solution to a problem/exercise with an optional name.
[spoiler-solution ?name; text]
Renders a paragraph with the solution to a problem/exercise with an optional name. In environments that support interactivity, the text is hidden inside a spoiler (see the [spoiler] command).



Renders the LaTeX logo.


Renders the xidoc logo. Note that the logo might change in the future.


[inject file]

Pastes the content of file and renders it.

[pass-inject file]

Pastes the content of file directly as markup. file should be in the target language.

[include file; *(name; value)]

Renders the content of file as a separate document and pastes it. You can give arguments to the subdocument, which can be retrieved with the [template-arg] command.
[template-arg name]
In a document included with [include], returns the given argument passed to [include].


[set key; value]

Changes the value of a setting. All settings are global.
[reset key]
Resets the value of a setting to the default.

[set-doc-lang language]

Sets the global language of the document. Returns nothing.

[set-title title]

Sets the given title as the title of the document.

The following is a list of possible keys to [set].


Default value: off

Declares to certain commands (currently only [pikchr]) that the document has a dark background. Doesn't actually change the background color!


Default value: article

Only applies to LaTeX. Sets the document class in the header.


Default value: https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/katex@0.16.3/dist/katex.min.css

Sets the path for locating the KaTeX stylesheet and font files. See the Math section for more information.


Default value: katex-html

Sets the tool used for rendering LaTeX math in HTML. Possible values: katex-html, katex-mathml, temml.


Default value: default

Sets the theme for syntax highlighting with the [code] and [code-block] commands. The available themes are default, dark, funky, okaidia, twilight, coy, solarized-light, and tomorrow-night. You can try out these themes on the Prism website. There is also funky-x, a modification of funky with a black background instead of weird stripes.


Default value: https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/temml@0.10.10/dist/Temml-Local.css

Sets the path for locating the Temml stylesheet and font files.

Custom commands

[def name; ?params; body]

Defines a command with the given name that expands to body. If params, which should be space-separated words, are given, the command can take arguments, which can be accessed using the [arg] command and its variants ([arg-expand], [arg-raw], [arg-raw-escape]). The command will only be visible in the scope where it was defined; if you want it to be visible everywhere, use [def-global].
[def greet; name; Hello, [arg name]!][greet reader]
Hello, reader!
[def-global name; ?params; body]
Defines a command with the given name that expands to body. If params, which should be space-separated words, are given, the command can take arguments, which can be accessed using the [arg] command and its variants ([arg-expand], [arg-raw], [arg-raw-escape]). The command will be visible everywhere; if you want it to be visible only in the scope where it was defined, use [def].
[hide [def-global greet; name; Hello, [arg name]!]][greet reader]
Hello, reader!

[arg parameter]

Inside a command definition ([def]), renders the argument given to the parameter.
[def greet; name; Hello, [arg name]!][greet reader]
Hello, reader!
[arg-expand parameter]
Inside a command definition ([def]), expands the argument given to the parameter, but doesn't render it.
[arg-raw parameter]
Inside a command definition ([def]), returns the argument given to the parameter, but doesn't expand it.
[arg-raw-escape parameter]
Inside a command definition ([def]), returns the argument given to the parameter, but doesn't expand it; however, the raw string is rendered.

Conditional compilation

[if-html text]

Evaluates text only if the target is HTML, otherwise returns nothing.
[if-html You can see this only if you're in HTML!]
You can see this only if you're in HTML!

[if-latex text]

Evaluates text only if the target is LaTeX, otherwise returns nothing.
[if-latex You can see this only if you're in [LaTeX]!]

[if-gemtext text]

Evaluates text only if the target is Gemtext, otherwise returns nothing.
[if-gemtext You can see this only if you're in Gemtext!]

[if-flag flag text]

Evaluates text only if the given flag has been passed to the xidoc compiler using the --flag switch.

[if-not-flag flag text]

Evaluates text only if the given flag has not been passed to the xidoc compiler using the --flag switch.

List manipulation

[for-each name; list; template]

Applies the template to each item of the list, making it available as name.
[join [space]; [for-each lang; HTML [LaTeX] Gemtext; xidoc compiles to [lang].]]
xidoc compiles to HTML. xidoc compiles to LaTeX. xidoc compiles to Gemtext.

[join separator; list]

Joins the list using the given separator.
[join [space]; [for-each lang; HTML [LaTeX] Gemtext; xidoc compiles to [lang].]]
xidoc compiles to HTML. xidoc compiles to LaTeX. xidoc compiles to Gemtext.

[split separator; string]

Splits the string on the given separator.
[join [space]; [split *; I*HATE*ASTERISKS]]

System information


Gets the absolute path of the current document.

[get-doc-path-relative-to-containing name]

Gets the path of the current document, relative to the nearest ancestor that contains a file/directory/symlink with the given name.
Within the Git repository of xidoc, the command reference is located at [ms [get-doc-path-relative-to-containing .git]].
Within the Git repository of xidoc, the command reference is located at site/commands.xd.

[list-dirs pattern]

Lists all directories that match the glob pattern, relative to the current file.
The subdirectories of the [ms src] directory of xidoc are: [join ,[space]; [list-dirs ../src/*]].
The subdirectories of the src directory of xidoc are: ../src/civet, ../src/janet, ../src/katex, ../src/pikchr, ../src/prism, ../src/quickjs, ../src/temml, ../src/xidocpkg.

[list-files pattern]

Lists all files that match the glob pattern, relative to the current file.
The xidoc sources of this documentation are: [join ,[space]; [list-files *.xd]].
The xidoc sources of this documentation are: commands.xd, head.xd, index.xd, manual.xd, playground.xd, why.xd.

[now ?format]

Gets the current date/time formatted with the given format specified using the syntax of Nim's std/times module. The default format is yyyy-MM-dd.
This document was last compiled on [now yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss].
This document was last compiled on 2023-10-11 13:01:42.


[janet-call function; *arguments]

Calls the given Janet function with the given arguments as strings and returns the result, which has to be a string. Useful for doing complex logic when xidoc's built-ins don't suffice. Note that all Janet is evaluated in the same context, which you can make use of, but be careful!
The circumference of a circle with radius 6 is [janet-call [raw (fn [radius] (describe (* 2 math/pi (scan-number radius))))]; 6].
The circumference of a circle with radius 6 is 37.6991.

[janet-eval code; *(name; value)]

Evaluates the given Janet code. If some pairs of name and value are given, the code will have access to global definitions with the given names and values. Useful for doing complex logic when xidoc's built-ins don't suffice. Note that all Janet is evaluated in the same context, which you can make use of, but be careful!
The greatest common divisor of 128 and 168 is [janet-eval [raw (do
    (defn gcd [a b]
      (if (= b 0)
        (gcd b (% a b))))
    (describe (gcd
      (scan-number a)
      (scan-number b))))
      ]; a;128 ; b;168].
The greatest common divisor of 128 and 168 is 8.

[js-call function; *arguments]

Calls the given JavaScript function with the given arguments as strings and returns the result as a string. Useful for doing complex logic when xidoc's built-ins don't suffice. Note that all JavaScript is evaluated in the same context, which you can make use of, but be careful!
The area of a circle with radius 6 is [js-call [raw (radius) => Math.PI * radius * radius]; 6].
The area of a circle with radius 6 is 113.09733552923255.

[js-eval code; *(name; value)]

Evaluates the given JavaScript code. If some pairs of name and value are given, the code will have access to global variables with the given names and values. Useful for doing complex logic when xidoc's built-ins don't suffice. Note that all JavaScript is evaluated in the same context, which you can make use of, but be careful!
The roots of the polynomial [$ 3x^2 - 18x + 24] are [js-eval [raw {
  let discriminant = b*b - 4*a*c;
  let root1 = (-b + Math.sqrt(discriminant)) / (2 * a);
  let root2 = (-b - Math.sqrt(discriminant)) / (2 * a);
  root1 + ", " + root2
}]; a;3 ; b;-18 ; c;24].
The roots of the polynomial 3x218x+243x^2 - 18x + 24 are 4, 2.


[html-add-attrs *attrs; cmd]

Adds the given attributes to the tag produced by cmd. Supports the .foo and #foo syntax for specifying classes and IDs.
[html-add-attrs style="color:pink"; [bf Real men don't fear colors.]]
Real men don't fear colors.

[js-module code]

Adds the given JavaScript code to the page as a JavaScript module. If you don't need to use any xidoc commands inside the code, it's recommended to use [js-module-raw].
[js-module-raw code]
Works as a combination of [js-module] and [raw].
[<span> #change-me; I will be changed] [js-module-raw document.getElementById("change-me").innerText = "I was changed"]
I will be changed

[style stylesheet]

Styles an HTML document using xidoc's custom syntax for CSS.
[style [rule .golden-frame; [: border; 3px solid gold]]][<div> .golden-frame; This text is a work of art!]
This text is a work of art!

[set-favicon url]

Sets the favicon of the document to the specified url.


Specifies the favicon of the webpage to be empty. This prevents unnecessary requests to favicon.ico.


[\ command *arguments]

Uses the given LaTeX command with the given arguments.

Image drawing

[pikchr ?width; ?height; text]

Draws a Pikchr diagram specified by the given text. The width and/or height of the resulting SVG can be specified. xidoc commands in text will be expanded. Currently only works with the HTML backend.
[pikchr 20rem; [raw arrow 140% "Image" "description"; box "Pikchr" fit; arrow 70% "SVG" ""; box "xidoc" fit; arrow "HTML" ""]]
Image description Pikchr SVG xidoc HTML

[pikchr-raw text]

Draws a Pikchr diagram specified by the given text. xidoc commands in text will not be expanded. Currently only works with the HTML backend.

HTML commands

When compiling to HTML, you can use tag commands to generate arbitrary tags. For example, [<> a; .click-here; href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ"; CLICK HERE] produces a link with the class click-here and the text CLICK HERE. Default tags have a shorthand, so this could also be written as [<a> .click-here; href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ"; CLICK HERE]. However, the latter syntax doesn't work for custom tags.

CSS commands

xidoc includes a simple set of commands that can be used to generate CSS without having to embed a completely different syntax in your document. It can be included using the [style] command. (If you prefer normal CSS, use [add-to-head [<style>]].)

[: property; value]

Creates a CSS declaration: property: value;.

[:! property; value]

Creates an important CSS declaration: property: value !important;. Please don't overuse this.

[rule selector; declarations]

Creates a CSS rule: selector { declarations }.

[var name; ?value]

If a value is given, declares a CSS variable: --name: value;. If used outside a [rule], it's assigned to :root. If used without a value, it gets the value of the given variable: var(--name).

Math commands

These commands are available in LaTeX math. That is, inside the [$], [$$] and [$$&] commands. They are meant to make certain common combinations of LaTeX commands easier to type.

[_ something]

Produces literal square brackets in the LaTeX code.
[$ \sqrt[_ 3]{2}]

The following commands should be self-explanatory from the examples:

[/ q]1q\frac{1}{q}
[/ p; q]pq\frac{p}{q}
[. \frac{p}{q}](pq){\left(\frac{p}{q}\right)}
[() \frac{p}{q}][pq]{\left[\frac{p}{q}\right]}
[{} \frac{p}{q}]{pq}{\left\{\frac{p}{q}\right\}}
[{} x \in \R; x^2 < 2]{xR|x2<2}{\left\{x \in \R\,\middle|\,x^2 < 2\right\}}
[<> \frac{p}{q}]pq{\left\langle \frac{p}{q}\right\rangle}
[| \frac{p}{q}]pq{\left\lvert \frac{p}{q}\right\rvert}
[|| \frac{p}{q}]pq{\left\lVert \frac{p}{q}\right\rVert}
[v. \frac{p}{q}]pq{\overgroup{\undergroup{\frac{p}{q}}}}
[floor \frac{p}{q}]pq{\left\lfloor \frac{p}{q}\right\rfloor}
[ceil \frac{p}{q}]pq{\left\lceil \frac{p}{q}\right\rceil}
[dd x]dx{\mathrm dx}
[dv x]ddx\frac{\mathrm d}{\mathrm dx}
[dv f; x]dfdx\frac{\mathrm df}{\mathrm dx}
[dv^ 2; x]d2dx2\frac{\mathrm d^{2}}{\mathrm dx^{2}}
[dv^ 2; f; x]d2fdx2\frac{\mathrm d^{2}f}{\mathrm dx^{2}}
[pdv x]x\frac{\partial}{\partial x}
[pdv f; x]fx\frac{\partial f}{\partial x}
[pdv^ 2; x]2x2\frac{\partial^{2}}{\partial x^{2}}
[pdv^ 2; f; x]2fx2\frac{\partial^{2}f}{\partial x^{2}}
[mat a&b\\c&d]abcd\begin{matrix}a&b\\c&d\end{matrix}
[.mat a&b\\c&d](abcd)\begin{pmatrix}a&b\\c&d\end{pmatrix}
[(mat) a&b\\c&d][abcd]\begin{bmatrix}a&b\\c&d\end{bmatrix}
[|mat| a&b\\c&d]abcd\begin{vmatrix}a&b\\c&d\end{vmatrix}
[||mat|| a&b\\c&d]abcd\begin{Vmatrix}a&b\\c&d\end{Vmatrix}
[lim]limn\lim_{n\to \infty}
[lim m]limm\lim_{m\to \infty}
[lim x; 0]limx0\lim_{x\to 0}
[lim x; 0; A]limx0xA\lim_{\substack{x\to 0\\x\in A}}
[liminf]lim infn\liminf_{n\to \infty}
[limsup]lim supn\limsup_{n\to \infty}
[int x; t]xdt\int x\,\mathrm dt
[int T; x; t]Txdt\int_{T}x\,\mathrm dt
[int t_1; t_2; x; t]t1t2xdt\int_{t_1}^{t_2}x\,\mathrm dt
[intd t; x]xdt\int x\,\mathrm dt
[intd t; T; x]Txdt\int_{T}x\,\mathrm dt
[intd t; t_1; t_2; x]t1t2xdt\int_{t_1}^{t_2}x\,\mathrm dt
[dint t; x]dtx\int\mathrm dt\,x
[dint t; T; x]Tdtx\int_{T}\mathrm dt\,x
[dint t; t_1; t_2; x]t1t2dtx\int_{t_1}^{t_2}\mathrm dt\,x